A Bit About Britain - UK - Our Recommended Website
A Bit About Britain
We recommend ABAB if you are heading to the UK
The Directory
There are thousands of attractions and places of interest in Britain.
A Bit About Britain's Attraction Directory lists more than 600 of them (so far) for you.
The Blog
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Britain's History
What are the key dates and events in British history? Browse a timeline for any period from prehistory to modern times and read articles about Britain's history, from a very long time ago until quite recently...
Britains kings and queens
Which king or queen ruled when, and what are they famous for? Discover a bit about 97 British monarchs, even the dodgy ones.
About Britain
What and where is Britain anyway? What does the United Kingdom mean? How many Labour or Conservative Prime Ministers have there been?
Great website for interesting information and photography...