Sister Cities - Gisborne, New Zealand

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                                               This is an officially endorsed webpage of: Gisborne Sister Cities, New Zealand

Gisborne District Sister Cities Inc. has the following relationships: 

Sister Cities

Palm Desert, California USA

header logo palm Desert GSC PD Cert 200x227

Established: October 1981 Gisborne / October 1982 Palm Desert
McCallum Aesthetic Education Programme – teacher exchange
Artist in Residence – Gisborne / Palm Desert exchange

Palm Desert garden and cacti house within Gisborne's Botanical Gardens
Visit the website: Palm Desert Sister Cities | City of Palm Desert


Palm Desert Sister City / McCallum Theatre programme

Jim Osler with three 600x338

PHOTO Left to Right: - Gisborne Sister Cities Chairman: Jim Osler and his wife Ann at Gisborne Airport to  farewell Jolyon Sparkes (Campion College) and Gabrielle Parano (Te Hapara School) who attended a week programme with McCallum Theatre AE Programme June 2017 and will return in June 2018 for another week in the next stage class.

Palm Desert couple 450x800 SISTER CITIES EDUCATION TRIP: Gabrielle Perano and Jolyon Sparks at Idyllwild, a mountain town in the Coachella Valley.


Nonoichi-machi, Ishikawa, Japan

Established 30 March 1990.
Student exchanges between – Lytton High School, Gisborne NZ / Nonoichi and Fusui JHS Japan

Taiko drums purchased by GDSC / housed at Lytton High School for tutorials and general appreciation

Japanese garden with water feature within Gisborne's Botanical Gardens
Visit the website: Nonoichi City

Nonoichi Dolls 800x600 Gift2

These were a Dec 17 Christmas gift from a Nonoichi Sister City lady  we all met on our trips there. Mieko, she also came here with Nonoichi delegations. 

Nonoichi Japan student and adult visit July/Aug 2017

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 Image and editorial courtesy: Gisborne Herald


Port of Rizhiao, Shandong Province, China

Established 3 August 1995.
Reciprocal visits of interest include education, cultural, economic, agriculture, horticulture, forestry and food producing.


Sister Citiy - Rizhao City Shandong Province China - signed 3/08/1995 - an overnight 2 day visit to Gisborne 30/11/14 - 1/12/14 Photo - meeting at Eastland Port, between Gen Mgr Ports, Andrew Gaddum and Mr Zhang Guiwei, District Mayor of Lanshan Rizhao and 4 others Rizhao Officials and Directors associated with Foriegn Affairs, Ports, wood processing and trade. 

Mahina, Tahiti, French Polynesia

Established / Signed: 30 November 2006.
Interests in common include relative Polynesian and Pacific cultures. Historical associations such as Lt. James Cook’s observation of the “Transit of Venus” at Mahina, then (accompanied by “Tupaea” the high priest navigator and interpreter from Mahina), 1769 “Voyage of Discovery”, first siting and land fall being “Young Nick’s Head and Poverty Bay on (9 Oct 1769) now known as the “City of Gisborne”, (first city to see the sun).

MAHINA Delegation visit to Gisborne

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Day 5 Departure Day - Shared planting of a Pohutukawa sappling within the GDC grounds beside the Taruheru River to commemorate Mahina SC visit February 2018


Valverde del Majano, Province of Segovia, Castile and Leon, Spain 

est. 26 December 2010
Relationship via Jose Manuel family


Sister Port 

Gamagori, Aichi, Japan – est. 1996

Photographic Competition – annual event with
Gisborne and Gamagori entries exchanged.


Friendly Cities

Cassino, Frosinone Province, Italy

est. 2009  ( Not officially yet confirmed )
Relationship via Maori Battalion


Wenchang, Hainan Province, China

est. 2011
Relationship – to promote a range of products including our Gisborne wines


Whitby, North Yorkshire, England

Whitby 200sq  << CLICK to visit Whitby

est. 2005 Relationship – navigational traditions link – Captain James Cook, Whitby North Yorkshire UK

Whitby Master Layout 8 May 2019 200x141 << CLICK for FREE PDF Booklet


Shire of Macedon Ranges, Victoria, Australia

1982 Sister City  //  2008 became a Friendly City
Gisborne Town   (Please Note: Changes came via Boundaries)
Australian garden within Gisborne's Botanical Gardens, features Australian trees and a sculpture - 'rain catcher'

Visit the website: Macedon Ranges Shire Council