• Birds Gisborne New Zealand Photos Videos 1970600


Native + Aviary Birds that can be spotted in Gisborne / Tairawhiti and across New Zealand 

© SheldrakeVisualArt.com - Bellbird, Black Shag (Cormorant), Canary, Dove, Fantail, Heron, Kereru, Kingfisher, Lapwing, Myna, Pukeko, Ring-necked Dove, Seagull, Sparrow, Starling, Tomtit, Tui, Thrush, Waxeye, Weka, Yellow Hammer, Zebra Dove & Zebra Finch

However the LINKED © Video's by Tony Palmer, Purakaunui, were taken from across NZ

The White Faced Heron © Video is courtesy of Roger Mills, Auckland

CLICK images to find those with LINK's to Video's

NZ Biird Bellbird 400 sq3  NZ Biirds set BlackShag  NZ Biirds Gisborne Canary  NZ Biirds Dove 400sqt  

NZ Biird Fantail 4 sq  NZ Biird Heron 400sq3  NZ Biird Kereru 400sq2  NZ Biird Kingfisher 400sq2 

NZ Biirds KEA 400sq2  4 Books kiwi green sq401

NZ Biirds Lapwing 400sq  NZ Biirds Myna Gisborne Sq400  NZ Biird Pukeko 400sq  NZ Biirds Ring necked Dove Sq  

NZ Biirds Seagull 400  NZ Biird Sparrow 400sq2  NZ Biirds Starling 400sq  NZ Biird Tomtit 400 sq  

NZ Biird Tui 400sqt4  NZ Biird Thrush 400sq  NZ Biirds Waxeye 400sqt  NZ Biird Weka 400sq3 

 NZ Biirds Yellow Hammer Sq400  NZ Biirds Zebra Dove 401  NZ Biirds Zebra Finch 400

Tony Palmer Videographer

We wish to thank Tony Palmer for his beautiful © Videos that are LINKED to the Bellbird, Fantail, Kereru, Kingfisher, Tui, Waxeye & Weka photos enjoy . . .

Roger Mills sq2

Our thanks to Roger Mills of hummingbirdvideophoto.co.nz for his beautiful Video of the White Faced Heron . . .

Nikki Slade Robinson Author Illustrator

Also thanks to children's book illustrator and author, and commercial artist Nikki Slade Robinson, for her KIWI illustration and how to DRAW.