Ocean Organics, PAEROA. NZ

Ocean Organics, PAEROA. NZ

WEB: www.oceanorganics.co.nz


Contact and shop details:

Ocean Organics Shop is open 8am - 5pm: Monday - Friday

For further information or to order ph: 0800 SEAWEED (0800 732 9333)

To contact our Sales Manager in regards to wholesale phone our office on (07) 862 8424

0800 732 9333
7446 State Highway 2,
RD 4, Paeroa 3674

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Keith, Clare, Tane & Jill of the Ocean Organics team . . .  (Photo © Tomek Friedrich)


Welcome to Ocean Organics
Premium organics products for your garden and you . . .

* For Your Garden

* Natural Healing Range

* Animal Nutrition

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Seaweed benefits

Why we use seaweed 

*  it is 100% natural organic food source for plant health

*  it is up to 80% organic matter

*  it is abundant in disease controlling antibiotics

*  it is am excellent soil; conditioner for sandy soils

*  it is free from seeds and disease organisms

There are around 1000 seaweed species native to New Zealand.

Ocean Organics brews small batches of seaweed that are hand stirred for up to 3 months with wooden paddles.

This natural, unobtrusive method preserves the growth hormones, naturally occurring antibiotics, and over 70 micro-elements in the seaweed.

Ocean Organics / AgriSea NZ:  7446 State Highway 2, RD 4, Paeroa 3674