GisborneTairawhiti: 'first to see the light'
Gisborne-Tairāwhiti: 'first to see the light'
Tairāwhiti: “the coast upon which the sun shines across the water”.
Gisborne - 'first to see the light...'
21st President USA: Chester A. Arthur
In October 1884 in Washington DC, USA, their former President Chester A. Arthur invited 41 delegates from 25 nations to what was called the International Meridian Conference.
Sir George Biddell Airy
Those gathered, collectively chose the Prime Meridian at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich England, (established by Sir George Airy in 1851) to be the Standard International Measure for TIME.
Thus creating a line that would pass alongside this place in the Southern Hemisphere that would become today’s City of Gisborne, New Zealand.
The outcome of the above mentioned conference, is the reason that Gisborne city has become known as 'the first to see the light' - which has become a worldwide marketing brand and strategy as the first city to see the sun rise each day.... for which thousands of tourists have visited and taken the time to be on one of the local beaches early in the morning to watch the new day begin.
Gisborne - Tairawhiti . . . on the East Coast of the North Island - Aotearoa / New Zealand.