Survey Gisborne New Zealand

Survey Gisborne

Corner of Derby Street & Palmerston Road, Gisborne

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

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Subdivisions, Land Development & Surveying

Postal Address: Survey Gisborne PO Box 440, Gisborne 4010.


Office: (06) 868 5588   mb: 027 441 5685

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Diane Kevin 480332 

Kevin (027) 441 5685 – Licensed Cadastral Surveyor

Diane (021) 361 826 – Business Office Manager

Proudly owned and operated by Kevin and Diane Taylor

Gisborne Chamber of Commerce Member 20071

Registered Surveyor Kevin Taylor Waipiro Bay 600x399

Welcome to Survey Gisborne Limited

Survey Gisborne Limited and our team of professionals provide a range of services relating to land development, subdivisions, and different types of land surveying, draughting and engineering.

The experience and expertise of the team at Survey Gisborne Limited in each of their professional disciplines is worth checking out.

Our office is based centrally in Gisborne City. We operate throughout the Tairawhiti East Coast, Gisborne, Wairoa and other regions of New Zealand.

We are proud to be locally owned and support the growth and sustainability of our region and country.


Professional Surveying and Related Services

# Large and Small Property Development Projects

# Industrial, Rural, Lifestyle and Urban Subdivisions

# Resource Consent Consultation and Applications for Subdivisions

# Topographic and Site Surveys

# GPS Surveys

# Engineering, Building and Construction Set-outs

# Subdivisional Engineering Design

# Easement Surveys

# Land Covenant Surveys

# Boundary Locations and Redefinitions

# Maori Land Partition and Occupation Surveys

Survey Gisborne Ltd. 245 Palmerston Road Gisborne NZ

Survey Gsborne 800115